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Jeff Seid – Diet and training

Jeff Seid and his diet, training plan and supplementation

Jeff Seid is an athlete who is only 20 years old but has already participated in many competitions, including two Mr Olympia's in the Men's Physique category.

He is a regular in gym magazines and enjoys a huge reputation due to his incredible physique.

He is 1.83cm tall and weighs 93kg.

Also find out its measurements:

Arms: 46cm

Waist: 76cm

Chest: 130cm

Twins: 43cm

Forearms: 39cm

jeff seid

Jeff Seid Workout

Jeff Seid trains from Monday to Friday, resting during the weekend.

Bet a lot on super series, uses drop sets and maintain a high training volume.

Take a look at your training below.

Just click on the name of the exercise to see how it is performed.

Monday: Chest – Calves – HIIT

Super series

Set Normal

Super series

Super series

Set Normal

Normal Sets

Tuesday: Back and ABS

Set Normal

Super series

Super series

Super series

Set Normal

Various abdominal exercises for 10 minutes

jeff seid workout plan

Wednesday: Legs – Calves – Cardio

Set Normal

  • Squat 5 sets x 15 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 4

Super series

Set Normal

  • Press 4 sets x 10 – 8 – 8 – 6

Super series

Normal Sets

Thursday: Shoulders and ABS


Super series

Super series

Set Normal

Various abdominal exercises for 10 minutes

Friday – Arms and calves

Super series

Super series

Super series

Super series

Normal Sets


In addition to weight training, Jeff Seid focuses on cardio every other day, using the method HIIT on an exercise bike with intervals of 30 seconds in sprint and 30 seconds at a comfortable speed, repeating this cycle for 10 minutes.

The loads lifted by Jeff for the main exercises are:

Flat bench press: 159kg

Squat: 197kg

Military Press: 115kg

Dead weight: 233kg

jeff seid workout and diet plan

Jeff Seid Diet

Jeff Seid's diet is as follows:

  • 09:00 – 5 egg whites with 1 yolk, half a cup of oats and a banana
  • 11:00 – Protein shake with an apple
  • 13:00 – 220g chicken breast with salad and sweet potatoes
  • 15:30 – Ham sandwich with grapes
  • 18:00 – Protein shake
  • 19:30 – 220g of steak with sweet potatoes, broccoli and salad
  • 22:00 – Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with 2 glasses of milk
  • 23:30 – Half a glass of Greek yogurt with blueberries


Finally, here are the supplements used by Jeff Seid.

FacebookJeff Seid

Jeff Seid Instagram

Sources used: and

5 thoughts on “Jeff Seid – Dieta e treino”

  1. Goodnight!
    Can you tell me how many ópti-men pills he takes and what times he takes?
    I was thinking about taking this multivitamin, but I think 3 tablets are too much, I was thinking about taking 2 for breakfast, what's your opinion?

    Thank you, best regards.

    1. We do not have this information!
      Regarding the dose, it always depends on diet and physical activity, but two tablets seems ok. You can also divide them, one in the morning and one later in the day :)

  2. I don't mention the anabolic cocktail in your diet, which would certainly be good to know what brand I use and how I take them….

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