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taylor vertucci workout plan and diet

Taylor Vertucci, the workout plan and diet

Athlete Taylor Vertucci's training plan and diet

Taylor Vertucci is a 21-year-old fitness athlete, who measures 1.47m and weighs approximately 44kg.

Weight training is done six times a week, resting only on Saturday, and normally uses 4 sets per exercise and 10 repetitions.

Choose to work your legs and back directly twice a week, and the remaining muscles only once.

As for his diet, which you will find below, there are five meals a day, with a quality source of protein in all of them.

Finally, there is the supplementation used by this athlete at the end of the article.

If you don't know any exercise, just click on the name to access an illustrative image of it.

Monday ? Legs

taylor vertucci workout plan and diet

Tuesday ? Back

Wednesday ? Shoulders

taylor vertucci workout plan and diet

Thursday ? Legs

Friday ? Abs

Sunday? Back

taylor vertucci workout plan and diet


Meal 1

  • Eggs
  • Almonds

Meal 2

  • Lean Turkey Meat
  • Brown rice
  • Vegetables

Meal 3

  • Red meat
  • Brown rice
  • Vegetables

Meal 4

  • Eggs
  • Salad

Meal 5


taylor vertucci photo


taylor vertucci workout

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