build a diet

Building a diet – Beginners

Learn here how to build a basic diet to achieve your goals

This article is specifically for those who are beginners and don't yet have many bases to build their own diet.

Initially, we suggest that you try to write your normal day-to-day life in terms of food in Word, something like this:

Upon waking: A bowl of corn flakes with milk

Middle of the morning: Cheese sandwiches

Lunch: Feijoada

Snack: Croissant

To have lunch: Beef steak with french fries

Level 2

After doing so, you have two options:

Adapt your diet gradually (or not) to your needs.

– Build a completely new diet.

There are several diet approaches, but as it is one guide for beginners Let's try to keep things as simple as possible.

Below are two examples of diets, one for gaining muscle mass, the other for fat loss.

These are very generic diets but they can serve as a basis for comparison with yours.
They may suit someone weighing 60kg and with an average metabolism but will not suit someone weighing 90kg and a fast metabolism, hence the importance of understanding HOW to build a diet for YOU.

build a diet

Examples of diets

Muscle mass gain

Breakfast: 100g oats with 5 egg whites and 2 yolks

Middle of the morning: Wholemeal bread sandwiches with 1 chicken steak (100g)

Lunch: 100g Chicken steak with 100g of rice and vegetables on the side and olive oil

Snack/Pre-workout: 100g oats with 1 can of tuna

Dinner/Post-workout: 150g Meat/Fish with 150g Brown rice, vegetables and olive oil to accompany

Supper: 1 Can of tuna with 35g of nuts

Fat loss

Breakfast: 50g oats with 5 egg whites and 2 yolks

Middle of the morning: 1 protein shake with 1 piece of fruit

Lunch: 100g Meat/Fish with vegetables and olive oil

Snack/Pre-workout: 50g oats with 1 can of tuna

Dinner/Post-workout: 150g Meat/Fish with 50g brown rice, vegetables and olive oil to accompany

Important points

  • It’s not important how many meals you eat a day, what’s important is reach the desired number of calories
  • After the importance of the number of calories reached, comes the importance of achieve the necessary number of macronutrients
  • At an initial stage we suggest an approach to 50/30/20, that is, 50% of calories will come from carbohydrates, 30% from proteins and 20% from lipids, which in a 3000kcal diet means, 1500kcal from carbohydrates, 900kcal from proteins and 600kcal from fats, which in grams represents, 375/225/67 respectively. (In the initial phase, don't worry too much about this, it's just a guide to help you know more or less how much you should consume of each food. You'll find here the formula to calculate an approximate value for the calories you need);
  • O timing, that is, the time at which you eat your meals only assumes special importance after training, apart from this moment it is not that significant, only the pre-workout meal can also be considered relevant
  • The objective should always be to adopt new definitive eating habits and not changes for 2 or 3 weeks.

As mentioned above, look at your diet, the one we asked you to write in Word.

He has Protein enough?

He has Carbohydrates enough?

He has Fats enough?


Typically, the first step to take is to add protein your food.

Today's generic diet does not contain a sufficient amount of protein for those who want to improve their physical condition and on the other hand tend to have an excess of carbohydrates.

Replace the carbohydrates simple to complex, the croissant with cheese for a snack or a whole grain bread sandwich with tuna for example.

You don't need to drastically change your diet, you can do it gradually and when you realize it, your choices will become habits.

2 thoughts on “Construir uma dieta – Iniciados”

  1. mariana vieira

    Hello! I would like to lose weight but to do so I need the right diet for me and my body, as I am only 12 years old and I would like someone to advise me on a diet!

  2. mariana vieira

    Hello, once again I would like to know if in this fat loss diet the snack part “50g oatmeal with 1 can of tuna” is to be cooked or just mixed.

    I would also like to know if in the diet to increase muscle mass how to prepare supper: “1 can of tuna with 35g of nuts” and also how to prepare breakfast “100g of oats with 5 egg whites and 2 yolks” Would the 100g of oats be boiled together with the remaining ingredients?

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