Upper/lower training routine divided into training A and training B, working the upper part of the body one day and the lower part the next.
Training is done 4 times a week, and is based on a scheme of 5 sets for 5 repetitions in the main exercises, adding some accessory exercises for smaller muscles such as the biceps or triceps.
The rest time between each series will be 90 seconds and the rest time between exercises will be around 2 minutes.
Training A – Upper – Upper zone
- Flat bench press – 5 sets x 5 repetitions
- Barbell row – 5 sets x 5 repetitions
- Shoulder Press – 5 sets x 5 repetitions
- Bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 repetitions
- Tricep with overhead bar – 2 sets x 8 repetitions
- ABS – 3 series
Training B – Lower – Lower zone
- Squat – 5 sets x 5 repetitions
- Press – 5 sets x 5 repetitions
- Lunges – 5 sets x 5 repetitions
- Standing calf raise – 3 sets x 10 repetitions
- Hyperextensions – 3 sets
The ideal routine for this upper/lower training will be: AB rest AB
You should try to regularly increase the loads in your exercises as this 5×5 repetition scheme helps this happen regularly and is essential for gaining muscle mass.
It is a short but intense workout in which the objective will be to considerably increase the loads and gain muscle mass.
It is important to follow a diet hypercaloric to achieve good progression with this training.
Accessory exercises can be added if there is a need to pay special attention to a certain part of the body.
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