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best gym exercises

Exercises that cannot be missed in your gym training

There are better jobs, there are worse jobs, better cars and worse cars, supplements too.

Obviously, the exercises you can do in the gym are no exception, and some are more effective than others.

Which ones are they?

Organized by muscle, you will find out the best exercise for each of them.

They are not easy, but you will see that the effort will be worth it.

These are the exercises that cannot be missed in your gym training.

Chest? Bench press or dumbbell press.

Predictable, right?

In chest training, if you lost a bet, and now you can only do one exercise for this muscle, you don't have much to think about.

Do you prefer dumbbells or barbells?

The best exercise to work your chest is the bench press/press, whether with a barbell or dumbbell.

The movement is the same, just the material changes.

Not only is it the best movement for your chest, it is also quite versatile, and you can adapt it according to possible weaknesses you may have.

Underdeveloped upper chest area?

Raise the bench a little, and do this movement in an inclined way, that is, inclined bench press.

Is your lower chest falling behind?

Bet on the declined bench press.

If you want to see how the barbell bench press is done, click here, with dumbbells here.

For more effective exercises to work your chest, see This article.

best exercises

Legs? Squat.

Another muscle, another predictable exercise.

Unless you've never been to a gym, you've certainly heard about the wonders of squats for developing the lower body.

From the glutes, to the calves, passing through the quadriceps and hamstrings.

This is simply the best exercise you can do to work your lower limbs and get excellent results.

There are also several variations of this movement, which will allow you to pay greater attention to specific areas that you want to develop.

From variations in the positioning of the feet, to the front squat, which places greater emphasis on the work of the quadriceps.

It is undoubtedly an extremely complete exercise, but also difficult.

If you don't have much experience with this movement, or have never done it, ask someone with knowledge to accompany you and help you achieve good form.

Otherwise, not only will you not get the best results, you also run the risk of injury.

If you want to see how this exercise is done, click here.

For more effective exercises to work your legs, see This article.

squats one of the best exercises for legs

Back? Deadlifts and barbell rows.

Ok, this isn't just one movement, it's two.


The best exercise between the two is undoubtedly the deadlift.

Extremely complete and effective, but also exhausting.

We thought it was important to include an alternative to the main one here, because depending on the training you use, you may need it.

In full-body training, for example, combining deadlifts with squats is not always a good idea.

Not only is the impact on the lower back area very strong, but the physical and mental strain is enormous, and if not well planned, it can be harmful.

The barbell row, in terms of back training, doesn't lose much to the deadlift, and brings excellent results too.

This is one of those cases where the best depends a lot on the situation.

The deadlift also has a lot of variations, and can be used to work the legs very effectively, for example, with the Romanian deadlift.

If you want to see how the deadlift is done, click here, for barbell rowing, here.

For more effective exercises to work your back, see This article.

deadlift one of the best back exercises

Shoulders? Press with barbell or dumbbells.

For a complete physique, and that V shape so desired by those who go to the gym, well-worked shoulders are essential.

The best exercise to work your shoulders is the barbell or dumbbell press.

It can also be done standing or sitting.

Whether with a barbell or dumbbells, standing or sitting, they are all effective ways to work your shoulders.

Choose your favorite way, and apply yourself.

There are exercises that focus more on a certain area of the shoulders, but none are as effective at developing them completely as this movement.

If you choose the standing form, don't forget to pay close attention to your posture, and the ideal would be to have someone with you to make sure you are doing it correctly.

If you want to see how the shoulder press is done, click here.

athlete doing shoulder press with barbell

Triceps? Bench press with narrow grip.

The bench press appears again, and this time, it is to work part of the arms.

The best exercise to work your triceps is the bench press with a narrow grip.

In the normal bench press, you place your hands significantly apart, this way, the work of the triceps decreases, and the work of the chest increases.

However, if you place your hands close together, using a narrow grip, the triceps take on most of the work.

It is an extremely effective exercise for working this part of the arm, and in most gyms, it does not receive the attention it should.

If you haven't used it yet, get ready for impressive results. And muscle pain too.

If you want to see how the bench press is done with a narrow grip, click here.

For more effective exercises to work your triceps, see This article.

close grip bench press exercise for triceps

Biceps? Curl with barbell or dumbbells.

The biceps are small muscles, but they receive a lot of attention.

If your goal is to enlarge your arms, it is essential to develop not only your biceps, but also your triceps, as these are what give the majority of the volume to the arm.

That said, to work your biceps, use the famous Curl.

Whether with a barbell or dumbbells, both are effective for developing this area of the body.

There are also lots of variations, from different types of bar, different types of grips, standing or sitting.

Choose variations that allow you to lift more weight, and avoid those worthy of gymnastics demonstrations.

Just because it costs more doesn’t mean it will give you better results.

If you want to see how the biceps curl is done, click here.

For more effective exercises to work your biceps, see This article.

bicep curl one of the best exercises

Glutes? Squat!

If a few years ago it wasn't very common to see women training with weights, nowadays there are more and more of them.

And still good.

The best way to work your glutes is through weight exercises.

The best exercise for this, as it is for the rest of the lower limbs, is the famous squat.

If you look for fitness athletes who have this area well developed, they will all present you with various exercises to increase this area. From the most basic to the most exotic.

And there are lots of them.

One thing is right.

None of them are better, or as complete, as the squat, and none of these athletes give up this movement.

For more effective exercises to work your glutes (and beyond), see This article.

gym exercises

Abs? Kitchen.

It's not the answer you wanted to hear, but it's the truth.

The best exercise to get excellent abs is done in the kitchen, with the right diet.

You can have the best abdominal muscles in the world, and spend hours training them, but if they're covered in fat, they won't show.

This doesn't mean that you don't need, or shouldn't, work your abdominals directly.

You should.

But worry above all about your diet and lowering your body fat percentage.

If you use exercises such as squats and deadlifts, they are already recruited very significantly.

Add one or two exercises at the end of your workout, preferably with resistance, and it's a matter of eliminating the fat until it appears. Greatly.

Don't know what abdominal exercises to do? See this list.

kitchen abs


Here is a good list of exercises to do at the gym.

Now that you know which ones cannot be missed in your gym training, what are you going to do?

Are you going to put them into practice or not?

It's not enough to know what the best exercises are, you need a training plan that includes them, in an intelligent way.

And you need to execute it consistently, after all, that's the main habit to be successful in the gym.

Although these are the best, it doesn't mean that there aren't others that are also effective, and here is a list that may be useful to you.

Furthermore, Do you know how many sets and repetitions you should do in your training??

2 thoughts on “Os exercícios que não podem faltar no teu treino de ginásio”

  1. Helena Oliveira

    Another 5* article.
    My instructor has already integrated all the exercises mentioned into two training plans that I alternate during the week, so I know I'm on a good track.
    Persistence is the key word!
    Well done for your website.

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