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summer abs

Abs…Later this summer – Part 2

Abs still in time for this summer, this time addressing training and supplementation

After a first article focused only on food, let's now discuss the rest.

As you may have already guessed from the title of the article, the objective here is to lose as much fat as possible in time for summer so you can show off your abs at the beach.

What does this mean?

It means that if you want quick results, it won't be easy. But it will be worth it.

If you haven't read the first part yet, you'll find here the article.

Let's start by talking about cardio training.

Cardio Workout

We can lose fat without doing cardio, it's true, however, the aim of this article is to maximize results in the shortest possible time, that is, summer.

If we want to lose fat quickly, we must include cardio, and not only include it but also use it at the best possible times to optimize fat burning.

And what heights are these?

Post-Workout and fasting.

It's important to mention right away that this is low-intensity cardio, no HIIT.

Let's start with post-workout, since fasted cardio is undoubtedly controversial.

When we talk about post-workout we are talking about cardio training right after a weight training workout.

Cardio after weight training is a great time to optimize fat burning, because your body will be more likely to use fat as an energy source, as glycogen reserves will be low.

Start with 10-15 minutes post-workout and increase to a maximum of 25-30 minutes in the final phase.

As for fasted cardio, it is something controversial, but widely advocated by fitness and bodybuilding athletes because…it works.

Once again, it is important to highlight that this is low intensity exercise and not crazy sprints.

The static bike at a low pace is a great example, or even walking at a brisk pace.

After a period of 6-8 hours of fasting, your body will be in a perfect state to use fats in low intensity activities, insulin levels are low which will help lipolysis, burning fat.

However, the fasted cardio is not for everyone and it is a measure that you should only use in more advanced stages and assuming you don't have any health problems.

As with post-workout cardio, 15-20 minutes initially and do not exceed 30 minutes, always maintaining a low intensity.

Cardio should be done an average of 5 times a week.

On non-training days and if you prefer not to use the method while fasting, do it when it is most practical for you but increase both the duration and intensity.

summer abs


If you don't go to the gym, bet in this training.

4 times a week, no more, no less.

It will be a workout ABABPreferably: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

In training A you will train the upper area/torso, in training B you will train the lower area/legs.

This is a simple but effective split, the workouts should be short but intense and you should focus on training mainly the large muscle groups (Legs, back, chest) as these are the ones that will have the biggest hormonal and muscular impact.

The objective will be above all to maintain your muscle mass.

Prevents go to failure.

Choose 2/3 isolated abdominal exercises and place them at the end of your workout.

Take a look at this abs article.sit-ups


No supplements are necessary, however, if you want to buy something here are some suggestions.

Caffeine or thermogenic

You will have days when your energy is low and this type of supplement will help you maintain a good level of intensity in your training.

The thermogenic must contain something to give you energy.

It also helps with appetite control.

Whey Protein

A quality, quick and practical source of protein.


Low-calorie diets easily become deficient in certain vitamins and minerals, a multivitamin can help you here.

Final notes

Catch the sun.

A dark body always appears to have a lower fat percentage and the muscular features will be more noticeable, therefore, there is nothing like a beautiful bronze!

Water, green tea, black tea or coffee.

When hunger strikes, these will be your greatest allies, in order of preference!

If you have any questions or opinions, use the comments area below!

3 thoughts on “Abdominais…Ainda este verão – Parte 2”

  1. Good afternoon!
    I confess that your article goes a bit against what I've always been told. It's not wrong, but in this environment everyone says something and you don't know for sure “who is right.”
    What bothered me the most was the fact that hiit training was not used post-workout. Why prefer low-intensity training instead of hiit?
    When it comes to supplementation, when is the best time for supplements?
    Should someone who trains every day do every average day?
    Thank you in advance for your time.

    1. hello Andrew

      Caffeine/thermogenic – Mainly before training.
      Whey protein – After training and when you need to add protein to a meal.
      Multivitamin – For breakfast with a source of fat.

      As for training every day, it depends on the type of training and it depends on what every day means:
      A) Monday to Friday
      B) Monday to Sunday

      If it's Monday to Friday, you can start with the average 5 days and see how you feel. If there is a power outage, you can add another high day.
      If it's from Monday to Sunday it's more complicated because it depends a lot on the training you do.

      Lastly, regarding HIIT vs low intensity cardio:
      In the case of post-workout, you could even use HIIT on a bike, however, after a good strength training session it is unnecessary to do HIIT as you would only cause more wear and tear and significantly delay recovery.

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