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what to eat to lose body fat

What to eat to lose fat

After what to eat before and after training, it's from what to eat before bed, now comes what to eat to lose fat.

Both previous articles briefly address what these meals should be, even if the goal is to lose fat.

But let's go deeper.

There are (too many) diets, approaches and methodologies for losing fat.

There is even talk of foods that help you lose fat.

There is too much confusion, which confuses the average athlete.

First of all there is an important question to answer.

What's the big difference between what to eat to gain muscle mass and what to eat to lose fat?

Do you know the answer?

It's simple and can be summed up in one word. Quantities.

The most important thing in the fat loss equation is the quantities, not the foods you use.

The manipulation of quantities dictates whether a diet is for muscle mass gain, fat loss or maintenance.

There are low-carb diets, low-fat diets, fat-free diets, soup diets and water diets.

In the midst of all this, they all share a common denominator, which is what makes them successful (or not).

It's called a calorie deficit.

What all fat loss diets share is the use of a hypocaloric diet to get good results.what to eat to lose belly fat

Caloric Deficit

We’re now looking at two huge secrets (don’t share) about fat loss. Reducing quantities and caloric deficit.

There is no great magic in completely eliminating carbohydrates or fats, the magic lies in the caloric intake.

A diet without carbohydrates but with a consumption of calories greater than those burned will lead to weight gain.

The same applies to fats.

It is not mandatory to follow a diet of just vegetables and chicken breast when you want to lose fat.

Why is it so common to recommend these and other lean foods?

Because it's easier to achieve a calorie deficit with low-calorie foods than with bacon and sausages.

So, is any diet good for losing fat?

More or less.

Losing weight is one thing, losing fat is another.

Those who go to the gym normally want to have a lot of lean mass and little fat mass, so when they try to lose weight, they try to eliminate fat and not muscle.

Muscle is to maintain.

Therefore, if you want to lose fat, you must not only have a low-calorie diet, but you must also pay attention to the macronutrients you consume, especially protein.


What should you eat to lose fat, and we haven't yet identified any food that fits the title of the article.

It can't be, let's give some suggestions.


  • Chicken breast
  • Turkey breast
  • mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Eggs
  • Low-fat fresh cheese
  • Quark cheese
  • Protein powder


  • Oat
  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Whole grain bread
  • Sweet potato


what to eat to lose fat

So but? that's all?

If the most important thing for losing fat is the quantities, and not the foods, why are only these listed?

In the case of proteins, they are sources of quality protein.

In the case of carbohydrates, they are complex carbohydrates.

In the case of fats, these are healthy bets.

Now, should this be all you eat throughout your diet?


Along with caloric intake, there is also a VERY important factor in being able to lose fat.

The consistency of the diet.

How to choose foods for your diet

You should choose foods not only because they are low in calories, but also because you will be able to use them consistently, without turning up your nose, and without making faces.

If eating broccoli makes you want to vomit, why do you eat it?

If you don't like broccoli, eat spinach.

If you don't like chicken meat, eat turkey meat.

If you don't like oats, eat another source of carbohydrates.

Now, this doesn't mean you should make McDonalds your second home.

Although it is possible to lose weight on a McDonalds diet while in a calorie deficit, that doesn't mean you should do it, and your health will thank you.

Focus on a diet high in protein, and balanced in fats and carbohydrates.

Do not eliminate any of the macronutrients.

Give priority to sources of protein with high biological value, complex carbohydrates and mono or polyunsaturated fats.

Finally, don't forget to include vegetables.

Although they do not represent a large role in terms of macronutrients, they are rich in micronutrients.

They are also satiating, and this is always welcome when you are looking to lose fat.

what to eat to lose belly fat

How many meals should I eat per day to lose fat?

There is no right number, but it points to at least 3 or 4.

Do you prefer to eat fewer, heavier and more filling meals or many, lighter meals?

The choice is yours.

If you prefer heavier meals, it makes more sense to spread your caloric intake over a few meals.

If you prefer to eat several times a day, eat less at a time, but you can have 5 or 6 meals a day.

So what about those foods that make you lose weight, what do you recommend?

We recommend water.

Don't pay attention to supposed foods that supposedly make you lose weight.

They do not do.

And if they do, the contribution is minimal. (Type 0.0000000000000001%)


Choose foods that you like, plan your diet to fit into your daily life and not your daily routine to fit into your diet.

Your diet should accompany your routine, not interfere with it.

And above all, you consume fewer calories than you burn.

The big secret to losing fat is not eliminating fat or eating pepper, it is following a low-calorie diet consistently.

If you do this you will get results.

And don't forget to be realistic.

No? Losing 20kg in 2 weeks is not realistic.

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