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flavio martins mens physique

Interview Flávio Martins

Interview with athlete Flávio Martins.

  • Name: Flávio Martins
  • Age: 28 years
  • Height: 1.75m
  • Off-season weight: 85
  • Competition weight: 71kg
  • Carlos Rebolo Men's Physique Cup up to 1.77m – 2nd place 
  • National Men's Physique 2015 up to 1.75m – 1st Place

How and why did you start training?

I started training a little late, at first due to my studies I was only able to do two or three workouts a week, and it took me a few years before I had the need and the possibility to ?breathe? this world, until it started to be part of me.

I started taking my first steps at the encouragement of a friend who owned a gym.

From a very early age, he saw in me what I call a “hard head”, and what always fascinated me was leaving my comfort zone, and with that, getting to know myself from one end to the next.

flavio martins mens physique gym

What led you to compete?

The competition began in 2014 as a personal challenge, it was like the “icing on the cake” and of course, the encouragement from the people around me when they saw the commitment to sport and the discipline needed to get on stage.

It was also a complement to my profession as a Personal Trainer.

flavio martins costa gym

What type of diet do you follow?

Throughout the year and regardless of the objective, I strive to be as clean as possible, although quantities/volume of food and some variations in food differ.

I always use a carb cycling scheme, where I vary amounts of carbohydrates, regardless of the phase I'm in, I do zero days, medium and high in carbohydrates, or low and medium or medium and high.

  • Meal 1
  • 50g of oats
  • 200ml of egg whites
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 scoop of whey
  • Multivitamin
  • Meal 2
  • 100g rice
  • 200g chicken
  • Green apple
  • Meal 3
  • 80g rice
  • 200g turkey steak
  • Green salad with olive oil
  • Meal 4
  • 2 cans of tuna
  • Slice of wholemeal bread
  • Meal 5
  • 250g fish
  • 200g broccoli
  • Meal 6
  • 40g casein

flavio martins transformation

What type of training do you follow?

My training always depends on the diet/phase I'm in. To be honest, I like to train HARD, but I always give priority to performing the exercise correctly.

Example of back training

  • Elevations – 3 sets x max
    With 40 seconds of rest plus a maximum set with 10 seconds of rest between repetitions until failure.
  • Front puller with rope – 4 sets x 10 repetitions
    Where I pay attention to the rotation of the forearm/wrist at the beginning and end of the exercise, for greater expansion and contraction of the latissimus dorsi.
  • Supine train handle – 4 sets x 10 repetitions
    With 2 seconds of isometrics in the concentric phase
  • Multistation pullover with rope + Nape pulldown with hands rotating outwards – 3 sets x 10 + 10
  • Lifts with joint handle – 1 series x Until failure

What are your three favorite exercises?

flavio workout and diet plan

What are the main differences when you want to gain weight and when you want to lose fat?

The most significant difference is the volume of food, in bulk it's me plus two Flávios (ahah), while in the cut phase it's only half a person, although I'm more comfortable at this stage.

In terms of food choice, macros are also changed, in bulk I load up on carbohydrates (Basmati Rice, Sweet Potatoes, Oats) and lower fats.

In cut, I lower carbohydrates and increase fats (Olive oil, fish, nuts, peanut butter), also at this stage protein consumption is high (white meats, light meats, fish).

Where does your motivation come from?

Motivation really comes from within, from wanting to overcome myself, compete with myself, evolve and really get to know my body and mind to the extreme.

flavio martins competition

What supplements do you use?

flavio mens physique portugal

Any tips in particular for those just starting out?

Well, mainly don't be in a hurry and don't want everything at once, be persistent and face the natural barriers that this sport of ours represents.

Setting goals is very important, as is discipline, being tough and not giving up.

Most important of all?
To be the best of ourselves!

You can find Flávio on the social networks below.

Instagram Flávio Martins – oilf_martins

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