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How to gain muscle mass in your chest (effectively)

Increases muscle mass in the chest area effectively

Monday is the official chest training day.

Tears, blood and sweat are released on the bench press.

However, the loads are great, but muscle development is often not so.

If you think your chest is falling behind, and you're not getting the results you want, keep reading this article.

The main mistake

Let's start by talking about the main error.

It is present in any training, for any muscle, but it peaks in chest training.

The main mistake in chest training is called EGO and normally goes hand in hand with the bench press.

The bench press is the main exercise for working the chest, and it is also the one that serves as a measure of strength in coffee conversations.

You've probably never been asked how much you do on lunges, but you've most likely been asked how much you do on the bench press.

Leave your ego aside, not just in the bench press but in all exercises.

Worry about increasing loads, yes, but with correct form (or close to it!).

You've probably already been asked for help with a set of bench presses and ended up doing a set of rows.

Don't make this mistake, don't let your ego control your training.

Another consequence of the ego that makes it the great villain of chest training is: way of performing the exercise.

It's common to see half reps instead of full reps, all to lift more than the guy next to you or to impress the new girl at the gym.

how to gain muscle mass in the chest

The solution

With this in mind, we also need a good chest training routine.

Something well structured and that will give you the best possible gains.

Here is the plan to follow.

Workout plan

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Incline Chest Press 4 Series 10-8-8-6

Flat Bench Press 4 Series 8-8-8

Slanted Openings 3 Series 10-10-8

In Super-Series with

Push ups 3 Series until failure 


The weights must be chosen appropriately for the repetitions to be performed.

For a series of 10 repetitions, you will choose a weight that you cannot perform 11 or 12 repetitions, in the same way that you will not do just 6 or 7 repetitions in that same series.

You're going to choose a weight at which you can do 10 repetitions, period.

In the inclined chest press and flat bench press exercises, it is allowed to reduce one repetition if the weight is justified.

In other words, instead of 8 you can do 7 repetitions, or instead of 6 you can do 5, but... When?

When you are going to do a load that you have never done before, that is, a new load, an increase in weight.

Never do fewer sets than those stipulated in the plan.

However, if you feel inspired, you can do one or two more sets, as long as you rest well and are following a diet. hypercaloric.

Try to increase the loads from training to training, even if it's just one exercise.

Try to progress from training to training.

Don't forget to follow a good diet, if you want to gain muscle mass in your chest you need a high-calorie diet.

Follow the routine for at least 2 months.

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