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Vacation training plan

Vacation training plan

A simple plan to use during the holidays

Vacation?finally arrived!

The well-deserved rest, which we all look forward to and adore.

Time at the beach, pool and relaxation, but this does not mean that we stop taking care of our health, and we only need to spend a short period of time resting to do a little exercise and feel better physically and psychologically.

Especially because all that hydration and eating (yes? those snacks, with lots of food and drink in the mix) that we do during this period end up having their consequences.

So, I'm going to explain some exercises that you can do anywhere and make the most of the generally good weather. Attention, it is not recommended to do it during the hottest hours.

To start, it's always good to warm up, for example, with 10/15 minutes of running or walking. Anyone who feels good jumping rope can do it for 5 minutes.

Training Plan

  • Number of circuits: 3x
  • Execution time: 12/15 repetitions
  • Rest time: 10 to 60 seconds (always respect your body)
  • Combine exercises to work the entire body during training


1st exercise: Squats

Let's start in the simplest way, we use a door jamb at home, a post/tree on the street, something to serve as support.

We stand in front of it and rest our hands at stomach level. Your feet should be aligned hip-width apart, your torso should be straight and your shoulders should be relaxed.

To begin the downward movement, we start by sitting “in the void”, until our arms are straightened, our butt must go downwards, not backwards, our knees must be in line with our feet.

Pressure on the heels, as if pushing the ground, without ever lifting them. Look down, keeping your head aligned with your neck and torso.

In the ascending phase, press the heels again, now contracting the glutes, the head returns to looking straight ahead and we should end up in the starting position, as depicted in the images.

I advise you to start by doing it with support, when this phase is mastered, we then move on to the squat without support.


2nd exercise: Step Up

This exercise requires an elevated and stable surface, a step/wall.

We place one of our feet on this surface, pressing the heel and only then the rest of the foot (exactly as if we were going to climb a step), contracting our glutes and abdominals, until the supporting leg is fully extended.

During the movement, we flex the knee of the opposite leg, as shown in the image.

When descending, we first place the toe of the foot on the ground and only then the rest, always contracting the thigh area. Let's alternate the support leg, in order to work both.

We can do it in a simpler way, by not flexing the opposite knee.



1st exercise: Arm Extensions (or push-ups)

We lie down on the floor, hands aligned with the chest and slightly wider than the shoulders, look down, keeping the body always aligned.

Tips toes on the floor and start with your arms straight (if you feel pain/severe pressure in your joints, you shouldn't stretch them completely).

Then we will bend our elbows to the side, until we reach the maximum range we can reach (down) and return to the starting position.

To make things easier, we can elevate the place where we rest our hands, for example on a bench or table.


2nd exercise: Funds

Using an elevated surface, we place our hands on the surface, roughly shoulder-width apart. Legs at 90º and contract the abdominal area.

Let's flex the elbow to 90º (more or less, depending on the case) and return to the starting position.

We can put our feet on a bench if we want to make it a little more difficult.



1st exercise: Pronation elevations

This exercise must be done on a bar, we place our hands on it, in a position a little wider than the shoulders.

We start with the entire body stretched and aligned. We lift, bringing the body closer to the bar, generally it should be until the chin reaches the height of the bar, however if you can't do it, don't force it and just go as far as you can.

After reaching this level, we returned to the starting position, calmly and in a controlled descent. We must always try to keep the body as stable as possible.


2nd exercise: Unilateral row

Using a doorpost/wall at home, or even, for example, a lamppost on the street, we will stand in front of it and hold it with one hand, more or less at stomach level.

The feet should go further forward (towards the post) to make it more difficult and further back to make it easier.

We start with the arm extended and flex the elbow, pulling ourselves close to the support surface, then return to the starting position, always controlling the movement. Your back should always be straight, contracting your abdominals and glutes.

At the end of the repetitions, we switch arms.



1st exercise: Trunk flexion

We lie down and place our hands folded behind our head, serving only as support for the head (relieving pressure on the neck), not to help with climbing.

It is not necessary to flex your torso too much, as long as you feel your entire abdomen contracting.

Do controlled breathing, exhaling when we go up and inhaling when we go down.


2nd exercise: Front Plank (hold for as long as possible)

Lying on your stomach and looking at the floor.

We support ourselves on our forearms (elbows under our shoulders) and toes (or knees to be easier).

Keep your back straight by contracting your glutes and abdominals.


3rd exercise: Inverted Abdominal

Lying on your back, hands at your sides and head resting on the floor.

Place your legs at 90º and then flex your thighs, bringing your knees towards your chest, contracting the entire rectus abdominis area, especially the lower portion.



1st exercise: Lumbar Extensions

We start lying on our stomach, with our arms extended and our legs extended as well.

Then we calmly raise the upper part of the torso and legs, resting only the navel area on the floor.


2nd exercise: Shoulder Bridge 

In this exercise, we lie down with our legs flexed, our feet must be aligned with our hips and our arms along our torso, with our head supported.

We strain the abdominals and glutes, projecting the pelvis upwards (feet, shoulders and arms must remain in contact with the ground).

We maintain tension in this position for 3 seconds and calmly return to the starting position.


Finally, I wish you all excellent training and a great summer, take care of your health and, if possible, be accompanied!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Photos by Bruno Gonçalves.

[author image=”” ]Miguel Duarte de Brito

Personal Trainer / Physical Exercise Technician at TagusPark Health Club gyms and CentralFitness Cascais

Degree in Physical Education and School Sports

Email:; Facebook:; Instagram: En_Miguel_Brito[/author]

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