What to do to lose belly fat at the gym and diet
It would be great to start the article with a magic formula to lose belly fat, however, that would also be a lie, as it is impossible to lose localized fat.
When you lose fat, you lose fat as a whole.
Your body does not obey your mental orders to lose fat specifically in the belly.
Nor does he understand 500 sit-ups a day as an order to do so.
If you want to lose belly fat, you will have to lose fat, not just on your belly, but on your entire body.
You will lose fat on your legs, arms, chest and also your belly, never in a single isolated area, no matter how many creams and techniques you use.
So, taking into account that there is no localized fat loss, what is the best method to achieve the 6-pack?
The best method is a weight loss diet.
You'll have to eat less (or better).
The most important variable for losing fat is diet.
Yes, nutrition is more important than specific exercises for the abdominal area.
Much more important.
The best abdominal training in the world is of no use if they are covered in fat.
Therefore, the first area to improve is food.
Create a meal plan hypocaloric and follow him.
See our article what to eat to lose fat.
Second, training.
The ideal would be a complete bodybuilding workout.
Exercises like squat or the dead weight They work the abdominal area and improve overall physical composition.
In addition, choose 2-3 specific exercises for the abdominal area.
Cardiovascular training is also important in the mission to lose belly fat, as it helps IMMENSE in fat loss.
As for supplements, there are several?advised? for this goal of yours.
If you really want to use one, use one thermogenic, something that provides energy and possibly helps control your appetite.
Leave the CLA?s and the L-Carnitine?s on the shelf, the benefit, IF it exists, is minimal.
In short, the minimum you will need to lose fat is:
Proper diet, hypocaloric and some cardiovascular and abdominal exercise.
The ideal would be to follow it with a complete bodybuilding training plan for best results.
In the section exercises You will find some examples of abdominal exercises.
Losing belly fat is not exactly a complicated science.
Avoid researching too much on the subject, especially about supplementation, as you will easily be deceived by product marketing.
Losing fat comes down to eating a low-calorie daily diet and exercising consistently, period.
If your goal is simply this, it's just about putting in the necessary work, not looking for a miracle diet or a magic pill, does not exist.
If you want to learn how to make your own diet to lose belly fat, see This article.