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Gold Nutrition Total Whey? Analysis

Analysis of Gold Nutrition's Total Whey supplement

Total Whey is a whey protein supplement from the Gold Nutrition brand and is available in two sizes, the smallest with 1000g and the largest with 2000g.

Furthermore, they have 4 different flavors: Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and cappuccino.

We will use the vanilla version for this review, as like all flavored protein supplements, nutritional values and ingredients may differ slightly between flavors.

The ingredients used by Gold Nutrition in Total Whey are as follows.

total ingredients whey gold nutrition

These are the ingredients presented by the brand on the official website.

Therefore, we have concentrated whey and isolated whey as a source of protein in this supplement, which is great.

Furthermore, Gold Nutrition used some digestive enzymes in the Total Whey formula in order to facilitate the digestion process, which is an added value.

Finally, this supplement also contains some vitamins and minerals, which is not very common in whey protein supplements, but it is a good addition, especially for those who do not use a multivitamin supplement.

Based on the ingredients, it seems like a good formula.

Nutritional value

total nutritional value whey gold nutrition

Gold Nutrition refers to 52g as a dose of this supplement, however, this dose, according to the brand, refers to two shakes, which makes the use of this supplement somewhat confusing.

To be able to make a clearer assessment of this product, we will organize the table of nutritional values by shake (26g), dose (52g) and 100g.

26g/1shake 52g/1dose 100g
Proteins 20g 40g 76.92g
Carbohydrates 3.5g 7g 13.46g
Fats 1g 2g 3.85g


Therefore, for each shake (26g) we have 20g of protein, which leads to a concentration of practically 77% of protein.

A concentration of 77% of protein in a supplement made mostly of concentrated whey protein is quite positive, even more so when this it only uses the ingredients that really interest us to provide us with protein, that is, whey protein! (Something that does not happen in some supplements, such as Whey Prime Or the Premium Whey Protein Plus from Muscletech.)

We can therefore say that Total Whey has a good amount of proteins, and looking at the table we also confirm that the fat values are low.

However, in the case of carbohydrates, this supplement leaves something to be desired, containing a slightly above average amount of sugar.

In addition, it is also important to note that this supplement not only contains some digestive enzymes that facilitate protein digestion, but also some B vitamins and minerals.

It's not something we expect when we buy a whey protein supplement, however, we know that B vitamins play an important role in metabolism and are an added value to this formula.


total whey aminogram

This supplement contains 17.7g of BCAA's per 100g of product and 4.6g per shake (26g).

These are interesting values, which although not the best we have ever analyzed, are quite positive.

To get a better idea of how this supplement compares to other offers on the market, let's make a comparison with other well-known brands.

GN Total Whey Scitec Whey Professional ON Gold Standard Dymatize Elite Whey MP Impact Whey
Total Protein 76.92g 73.3g 81g 68.87g 82g
BCAA's/100g 17.7g 16.03g 18.7g 15.4g 18.7g


As we can confirm from the table, Total Whey from Gold Nutrition in terms of protein content and quantity of BCAA's is much higher than the supplement Dymatize and also to 100% Whey Professional by Scitec Nutrition.

However, both the supplement Myprotein like the one Optimum Nutrition are superior to the Gold Nutrition product.


Below is a table with an analysis of the average price found on the market for this supplement.

1000g 2000g
Shakes / Servings 38/19 77 / 38
Cost per shake 0.78? 0.64 ?
Cost per dose 1.57? 1.31?
Total cost 30.00? 50.00?


As Gold Nutrition states that a dose refers to 2 shakes, we chose to include the values not only per dose but also per shake, making it easier to compare with other supplements of this type.

Gold Nutrition Total Whey

If we only look at the price per dose and the number of doses, this supplement has an extremely high price, however, it is fairer to use the value per shake, as this is what most brands use. (Although the brand makes a point of highlighting 40g of protein per serving on its label.)

Let's compare this supplement again with others of the same kind to have a better understanding of its price/quality ratio on the market.

GN Total Whey 2000g Scitec Whey 2350g Gold Standard 2273g Dymatize Elite Whey 2268g MP Impact Whey 2500g
Smoothies 77 78 77 68 100
Cost per shake 0.64 ? 0.67? 0.75? 0.61 ? 0.31 ?
Total cost 50.00? 52.99? 58.00? 42.00? 30.89?


Gold Nutrition Total Whey, looking only at the price, ranks third in this comparison, which shows that it has a reasonable price, only losing significantly to the Impact Whey from Myprotein.


Total Whey from Gold Nutrition is a whey supplement with a interesting formula, which uses only concentrated and isolated whey as protein sources, and also adds some vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes, making the formula even more attractive.

It does not have the highest protein content on the market nor the lowest price we can find, however, it is an interesting supplement and one to take into account, as they have a reasonable quality.

The main negative point is that it should have fewer carbohydrates, and the price could be better, as there are superior and cheaper alternatives.

In short, if you're offered Total Whey over the years, don't complain!

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