Carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates.
In a summarized and simplified way, the main function of carbohydrates is provide energy, not all carbohydrates are equal, but we will divide them into just two groups, the simple and complex ones.
The simple ones like dextrose, table sugar, etc., are sugars fast absorption, that is, they enter the body quickly, causing a spike in energy, but short term, while the complexes promote a greater release of energy long and sustained, satiating you for longer and keeping your energy stable throughout the day.
Both have the same caloric value 4Kcal/gram, both can be used in a healthy diet, but complexes should always be favored mainly for their sustained release of energy, no one wants to arrive exhausted halfway through training, no one wants to be hungry 1 hour after eating.
Simple carbohydrates : Table sugar, Dextrose, Fruit, honey, white bread, etc.
Complex carbohydrates : Oats, Brown Rice, Beans, Wholemeal Bread, etc.
As a rule, simple hydrates are sweet, sweeter than complex ones (There are exceptions, sweet potatoes for example), and are the most consumed today.
A good time to consume them is after intense training in order to recover quickly, otherwise, Always try to opt for complex carbohydrates.