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xcore whey hydro isolate sport series

Xcore Whey Hydro Isolate Sport Series – Analysis

Xcore Nutrition 100% Whey Hydro Isolate Sport Series Supplement Review

Is Whey Hydro Isolate SS a good supplement?

The original 100% Whey Hydro Isolate was a supplement that had already been analyzed (and criticized) here on the website, but now there is a new version.

It's called the Sport Series and promises to be an improved version of the original formula.

We will not dwell too much on the description of the supplement, we have already done so in the original version, and as once again this product tries to position itself as a top Hydrolized Whey supplement, it is within this context that we will analyze it.

?The purest and most advanced hydrolyzed isolated Whey Protein.?

This is the phrase you find on the product packaging, so it must be true.


You find here the official list of ingredients used.

Once again there is a matrix of ingredients called iXPB – Fusion of isolated peptides, with names capable of intimidating the most experienced gym athlete.

Fortunately, you just need to scroll down a little and look at the ingredients list to see what it's really about.

iXPB is a combination of several proteins and amino acids, in which the main source of protein is Isolated Whey, followed by Concentrated Whey, and finally we have Hydrolyzed Whey.

No, Whey Hydro Isolate SS is not a Hydrolized Whey supplement, at least not exclusively, as it is the least used of the 3.

If the matrix were to stop here, it would be similar to that found in the Optimum Nutrition supplement, Whey Gold Standard.

But it doesn't stay.

In addition to these three sources of protein, we also have BCAA?s It is Glutamine in the iXPB call.

This matrix corresponds to 90% of the supplement composition, except in the case of chocolate flavor, where it corresponds to 85%.

There are still 10% of ingredients left.

Following this matrix, a very curious ingredient appears that you have probably already heard of, called Creatine Monohydrate.

The reason for the curiosity will be explained below in the nutritional table, but it is not included in the iXPB.

Then we have aromas, thickeners, vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes.

Nothing dramatic, although vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes are always welcome, and for that, thank you Xcore.

Nutritional table

Xcore 100% Whey Hydro Isolate Sport Series
Strawberry flavor.

You will find the complete official nutritional table here.

As you can see from the table, the percentage of total protein in this supplement is an incredible 90.32%.

Amazing and strange.

Strange why?

If you notice, the percentage of protein is exactly the same as the so-called Fusion of Isolated Peptides, and this is where the problem with the new version of Whey Hydro Isolate arises.

If you remember correctly, this matrix is made up of some amino acids, but the three main ingredients are isolated, concentrated and hydrolyzed Whey.

It is impossible for these ingredients to provide 100% of protein, especially Whey Concentrate, which always contains some amounts of carbohydrates and fats.

Isolated and hydrolyzed Whey, no matter how pure they are, hardly reach 100% concentration either.

For 90.32% of this matrix to provide 90.32% of protein, all ingredients would have to be 100% protein or individual amino acids.

So, how is it possible to have 90% protein, when the isolated peptide fusion, the protein source of this supplement, cannot provide it?

xcore nutrition whey hydro isolate ss


The matrix of proteins and amino acids in this supplement corresponds exactly to the number of proteins in the nutritional table, but if you notice, Creatine is not included in this matrix, allowing the percentage of protein to be increased (very) discreetly.

In other words, while in the original version Xcore Nutrition used Glycine to increase the protein content of the supplement, here it chose to leave out Glycine and use the famous Creatine.

Glycine appears in the aminogram, Creatine does not.

What does this mean?

Imagine you bought a 2-liter bottle of Coca Cola.

You drank a glass and now you only had 1.8 liters of the drink.

You decided to pour 200 ml of water into the bottle, and in practice, you were left with 2 liters of Coca Cola again, after all, water is part of the composition of Coca Cola.

But it was a little different, wasn't it?

The most common analysis to measure the total protein of a supplement is by measuring the total nitrogen, and with this method, Creatine, which is a compound with nitrogen, actually passes as protein, and the total protein value rises.

If you look at the product description, while there are several references and highlights to the addition of BCAAs, Glutamine, Vitamins and digestive enzymes, references to Creatine are scarce, and there is not a single highlight on the use of this ingredient.

To make matters worse, the amount of Creatine used in this product is not revealed.

whey hydro isolate ss
Did they forget?


You find here the complete aminogram for strawberry flavor per 100g of protein.

We are not going to do the typical aminogram analysis simply because we do not have reliable values to do so, but here are the supposed values.

The brand highlights 27g of BCAA's per 100g, but the aminogram does not agree.

According to the aminogram present in the official site, the value per 100g is 21.92%, although it is the chocolate flavor that contains slightly less protein.

In the case of strawberry flavor, calculated for 100g of supplement using the aminogram gives a value of 23.12%.

Is this the real value?

Probably not.


The values shown are those practiced by the Prozis store at the date of analysis, and are therefore always subject to change.

xcore whey hydro isolate ss prices

This supplement is available in three formats, but we only evaluated the price of two, as the other is in small individual sachets.

In the case of the 900g package, each shake will cost approximately 0.93?, while in the 2kg format, it costs 0.78?.

Is it a good price?


It is very similar to the price presented by Optimum Nutrition for its famous supplement Whey Gold Standard, considered of quality but expensive.

If you really want to buy a Whey Isolada, you have it both at Real Whey Isolada and at Impact Whey Isolate two alternatives of much better quality, and as if that weren't enough, cheaper.


Creatine Monohydrate is probably the most effective supplement for increasing muscle mass, and if that's what you're looking for, it's an excellent bet to include in your supplementation.

The problem is that it is not a complete protein, and when it is included in protein supplements, it can transform a Whey from 70% into 90%, or other values.

To supplement with Creatine, the ideal would be to buy a Creatine supplement, not a Protein with Creatine. (Find out everything about Creatine in our guide here.)

Another problem is that many people looking for an isolated protein are not very interested in the possible effect of fluid retention caused by Creatine, and in the case of those trying to lose fat, it can be unpleasant and demotivating.

xcore 100% whey hydro isolate sport series


100% Whey Hydro Isolate Sport Series from Xcore Nutrition, just like the original version, is a fantastic hydrolyzed isolated protein supplement, the most advanced yet.

It isn't.

It is a supplement that is not very transparent, and one thing is certain, it is not a 100% Hydrolyzed Whey and it does not contain 90% of complete protein.

On the other hand, and despite all this, it is not exactly a bad protein, but it is also far from good, especially considering the price.

We do not know the amount of Creatine used, but taking into account that the amino acid matrix makes up 90.32% of the supplement, then the amount of Creatine will not exceed 9%.

This means that it is probably a protein around 75-80% in concentration, with Whey Isolate as the main source, followed by concentrated and finally, hydrolyzed.

Good sources of protein with a theoretically reasonable concentration, just.

For less than half the price you can get proteins with the same amount of protein (complete), and you even have exclusively isolated proteins for a lower price than Whey Hydro Isolate SS.

Fantastic marketing, mediocre product.

Have you already used it?

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5 thoughts on “Xcore Whey Hydro Isolate Sport Series – Análise”

  1. Excellent analysis.

    Now all we need to do is analyze Scitec Zero Sugar / Zero Fat Isogreat, which also claims to have a protein level of 90.91g

    keep up the great work

  2. Thank you, very objective. Could you recommend the ideal supplement for anyone who needs to lose weight and gain/maintain muscle mass (regardless of price)? The problem with your analyzes is that they seem ?politically correct? too much, as if to safeguard impartiality.

    I do 1 hour of spinning twice a day, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and 1 hour of weight training on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 43 years old, 1.79m and 104kg.

    I have been using Gold Nutrition's Supreme Gainers and from your analysis I have already seen that it is clearly inadequate for my goals.


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