results in the gym

The most important rule in the gym

? There are a lot of factors at play in achieving good results in the gym. At?

In food you have type of diet you follow, the food you eat, when you eat them, quantities and much more.

In training too.

How often should you go to the gym, what type of training should you follow, how many repetitions should you do or What exercises should you use?. And not only.

As if that weren't enough, the time and quality of your rest is also essential and there are also supplements.

It's hard not to get confused among so many factors.

But there is one more important than all the others and that will influence them too.

What factor is this and what rule are we talking about?

The most important factor in diet and training

What factor is this?

The most important factor in getting the results you want in the gym has a name.

It is also often relegated to the background. Sometimes it is not even considered.

It's called consistency.

The most important factor in the success of any diet, training or plan you follow is consistency.

It seems simple, but is it really that simple?

Cristiano Ronaldo responds.

training at the gym

The consistency

Imagine Cristiano Ronaldo when he was a kid.

At first, he started playing football with his friends whenever he felt like it and without much rigor.

The time spent in this hobby began to increase, as did the rigor with entering football at club level.

However, he was not only becoming an increasingly better player, but also moving to increasingly competitive and demanding clubs.

The training was increasingly disciplined and rigorous.

At a competitive level it also became more intense.

Eventually the diet also started to play a fundamental role in his daily life beyond training and games.

Nowadays everything is extremely demanding and precisely measured to be able to not only maintain your level but also improve.

The entire process was done gradually and consistently.

Now imagine that all this started in reverse.

Imagine Cristiano Ronaldo at the beginning following everything he currently does.

The intense training, the strict diet, the extremely competitive games.

Do you think I could?

Would it be consistent?

Although food, training and routines have changed, what has always remained consistent is consistency.

It seems to have produced results.

cristiano ronaldo training rules

Consistency in the diet

You are not satisfied with your current physical shape, so you decide to follow the super plan of a professional athlete who has the body you want.

You found your plan online and you're determined, even though it's an extreme change from what you currently do.

Even though the number of meals doesn't fit well with your schedule, you've made up your mind.

You don't like half the foods this athlete uses, but you're willing to make the sacrifice.

You want drastic changes, so you need a diet to match.

The problem?

It will not work.

For a diet to work, it needs to fit into your schedule, it needs to match your preferences and it needs to be viable in the long term.

Otherwise, the chances of you giving up quickly are high. Very high.

And if you give up, there goes the consistency.

consistency in the gym

Consistency in training

New Year New Life.

It's now in 2018 that you're going to get your dream body, right?

For that you need intense training.

Your current plan of three workouts a week isn't working. Or maybe you haven't trained for a good few months.

It doesn't matter, you still know where the gym is.

Something like five weekly workouts with lots of volume and intensity like your idol is the way to go.

Or maybe not.

Just like diet, training must be adapted to you.

If you know that it is very unlikely that you will be able to visit the gym five times week after week, is that a good idea?

If you know that you regularly have days when it is impossible for you to go to the gym, does it make sense to ignore this factor?


results in the gym

What's the solution?

The solution is, above all, to be realistic.

The first thing you should take into account when starting a diet and training is consistency.

In the long term, how often do you think you can go to the gym consistently?

It's easy in the first week to say every day.

But what about in three months, can you say the same?

Will it not interfere with your professional life?

Or disrupt any other area of your life that you consider important.

If the answer is three workouts a week, build your plan around three workouts a week. Not five.

And the food?

What foods do you like and what foods do you hate?

Do you believe you can eat just chicken and broccoli every day for months?

Or would it be more sustainable to diversify your diet a little and adapt gradually?

Or just eat four meals instead of seven if that's what fits better into your daily life.


This does not mean that there should not be some sacrifices.

It doesn't mean that it's enough to go to the gym once a week and eat only delicious foods.

Consistency without effort won't get you far.

But if there are sacrifices, they will be minor and necessary, and above all, implemented gradually and with long-term thinking in mind.

You cannot achieve good results in the gym without effort.

In the same way that they cannot be achieved without consistency.

What you should do is find the balance between both for your specific situation.

Plan realistically so that you can stick to your plan in the long term. Create habits.

It is in the long term that the results appear. Not in a week or a month.

There are a few more things that will help you get good results and the article The 7 habits for success in the gym tell you what they are.

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