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olavo ferreira interview mens physique

Interview Olavo Ferreira

Interview with athlete Olavo Ferreira, from the Men's Physique category.

  • Name : Olavo Ferreira
  • Age : 25
  • Location: Harbor
  • Gymnasium : Mosque Gym
  • Supports: SL Nutrition, Mesquita Gym
  • National champion Men's Physique category over 1.78m

How and why did you start training?

I decided to join the gym with my group of friends, as well as filling up some spare time I took the opportunity to practice sports.

I was overweight, which was another reason that led me to join the gym.

I did swimming and karate, but I've been doing bodybuilding for about 5 years, it's only been the last 2 that I've dedicated myself a little more seriously.

olavo ferreira

What type of diet do you follow?

In the off-season I never follow a fixed diet.

Increase your caloric intake but always give priority to a high protein intake and quality carbohydrates.

I try to eat more red meat and eat at least 6 meals a day.

Pre-competition I follow a more restricted diet (6/8 weeks), reduce carbohydrates gradually and increase protein intake.

What also works with my metabolism is cycling carbohydrates with refeeds every 7 days.

I don't give up my cheat day on Sunday.

My base diet in the off-season.

  • 9:30 – 100g of Oats + 5 Egg Whites
  • 11:30 – 2 Cans of Tuna + 100g Brown Rice
  • 13:30 – 200g Red Meat + 150g Brown Rice + Vegetables
  • 15:30 – 150g Sweet Potato + 200g Chicken
  • 16:45 – 4 Crackers + Spoon of Peanut Butter
  • 19:30 – (Post-workout) Protein Shake 40g
  • 20:30 – 200g Hake + 150g Brown Rice + Vegetables
  • 23:00 – 6 Egg Whites + Casein

olavo ferreira men's physique

What type of training do you follow?

Below is the gym training plan used by Olavo Ferreira.

Training A? Chest and Biceps

  • Flat Bench Press – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Multipower Incline Bench Press – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Lower Crossover – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Open Grip Funds – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Dumbbell Curl – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Barbell Curl – 3 sets x 12 repetitions

Training B? Back and Triceps

  • Front Pull – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Dumbbell Row – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Barbell Row – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Closed Grip Dumbbell Shrink – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Tricep to Forehead – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Tricep Pulley Rope – 3 sets x 12 reps

Training C? Legs

  • Lunges – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Squats – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Chair Flexor – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Adductor Chair – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Abductor Chair – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Calves at Multipower – 3 sets x 12 repetitions

D training? Shoulders

  • Machine Development – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Laterals – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Military Press – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Inverted Dumbbell Crucifix – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Upright Row – 3 sets x 12 repetitions

Training And? Biceps and Triceps

  • W Bar Bicep Curl – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Halter Bicep Curl – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Tricep to Forehead – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Tricep Pulley – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Biceps Machine – 3 sets x 12 repetitions
  • Triceps in Semi-Pronated Grip Pulley – 3 sets x 12 repetitions

Abdominal and lower back routine

  • Partial push-up with pulley rope – 3 sets x 15 repetitions
  • Reverse push-up with ball – 3 sets x 15 reps
  • Dumbbell obliques – 3 sets x 15 reps
  • Plank – 3 sets x 50 seconds each
  • Lumbar on the machine – 3 sets x 15 repetitions

I also do cardio three times a week for 30 minutes after training.

olavo ferreira athlete mens physique

Where does your motivation come from?

Parents, girlfriend, Slnutrition staff and myself, to improve with each passing day.

My family, despite initially not agreeing with some options, was always respectful and supportive.

My girlfriend is also an inspiration and motivation.

She was and is there in the most difficult moments, and if I didn't have someone by my side with her charisma, I wouldn't be able to handle it.

A great source of motivation is also Miguel Mesquita (Slnutrition) for all the support he gave me and still gives me.

Without him it would never have been possible to go on stage and make this dream come true.

What supplements do you use?

My basic daily supplementation is:

between view olavo ferreira

Any tips in particular for those just starting out?

Never give up on something just because there is some difficulty that could prevent you from achieving what you most want!

There are two paths to follow, the easiest and the most difficult.

And everything that is difficult, once achieved, ends up having a special flavor.

In this sport, as in everything in life, the important thing is to maintain dedication and never lose focus on the objective.

I want to thank GINÁSIO VIRTUAL for this interview and wish you the greatest success in your new project.




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