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the best creatine supplements

The best Creatine supplements (and the worst too)

The best Creatine supplements on the market

Creatine is one of the best supplements for those who go to the gym, and when it comes to gaining muscle mass, it is probably number one.

However, which is the best Creatine?

With so much on offer, it is difficult to choose the best option.

If you want to know more about this type of supplement, check out our complete guide here.

If you simply want to know which is the best or the worst, keep reading.

Here is a list of the best supplements to help you.

The best Creatine supplements

Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate

Myprotein is a regular presence in these types of classifications, and this is no different.

This supplement from Myprotein is 100% Creatine Monohydrate, and when we look at the quality/price ratio, it is the best.

In the unflavored version, it is available in three sizes.

  • 250g (0.11?/dose)
  • 500g (0.08?/dose)
  • 1kg (0.07?/dose)

It is still available with flavor, although the price goes up slightly, as is normal.

Basically, if what you're looking for is a good Creatine Monohydrate powder, this is the one that offers the best price/quality ratio.

There is also the Creapure version, also with a good price and quality, but in this area, it is tied with a brand that you will see below.

This supplement is available here and the Creapure version here.

For discounts, go this page.

myprotein creatine best creatine

Prozis Sport Creatine Monohydrate

Myprotein regularly stands out with its price/quality ratio, but Prozis is proving to be a worthy rival.

With its Prozis Sport brand, it is getting closer and closer, and here it is close.

It is a supplement composed exclusively of Creatine Monohydrate, and is available in three different sizes.

  • 300g (0.13?/dose)
  • 500g (0.12?/dose)
  • 900g (0.08?/dose)

There is also a flavored version, although the supply is small, with only two flavors available.

In other words, it is a product equivalent to Myprotein, where the only difference is a slightly higher price and a small variety of flavors.

In terms of quality, they are similar.

There is also the Creapure version, which (only) in 500g format is a good bet.

prozis creatine best creatine

Universal Creatine

Universal with its Creatine supplement is a very pleasant surprise.

It is a Creatine Monohydrate, micronized and Creapure.

Micronization will, in theory, improve solubility in water and facilitate mixing.

Creapure, on the other hand, is a patented form of Creatine, and considered the best, as it follows very strict quality standards. (The same applies to Prozis and Myprotein's Creapure versions.)

Being a well-known brand like Universal Nutrition, responsible for Animal Pak, the expectation was a high price.

However, it's not quite like that.

It's available in three different sizes, and although there are no flavors, there are good prices.

  • 300g (0.22?/dose)
  • 500g (0.14?/dose)
  • 1kg (0.12?/dose)

In other words, in the 500g format, it is slightly cheaper than Creapure from Prozis and Myprotein.

In the 1kg format, the price is similar to that of Myprotein, and lower than that of Prozis.

If it's Creapure you're looking for, then you'll be very well served with this product from Universal.

You can find this supplement available here and with the code GVIRTUAL you are entitled to a discount on your entire order.

You can also find it here at a good price.

universal creatine best creatine

The worst supplement

Win Nutrition Creatine+

Win Nutrition has been gaining points. Negatives.

We have already analyzed two of its proteins(here It is here), and the results were not the best.

It is a cheap brand, but it sacrifices product quality to obtain lower prices.

Win Nutrition's Creatine+, if not the worst Creatine on the market, is close.


The name is Creatine+, but only 37.5% of this supplement is made up of Creatine.

The remaining 62.5% is just Maltodextrin, a sugar.

As if that weren't enough, to get the traditional 5g of Creatine, you need to ingest 13.3g of the supplement, which costs 0.31? per dose.

Yes, in addition to being a bad supplement in terms of quality, it is bad in terms of price too.

win nutrition creatine+ worst creatine


If you notice, there are only Creatine Monohydrate supplements here, and the reason is simple.

It is the most studied form, both in terms of effectiveness and safety.

As if that weren't enough, it's also the cheapest.

None of the more recent Creatines have yet proven to be superior, and in the case of Ethyl Ester Creatine, even has been proven to be inferior.

For now, the only superiority is just in price.

Therefore, if you want to start this type of supplementation, monohydrate is the best bet. In all aspects.

If you want to know more, check out our complete guide on the subject here.

As for the best Creatine, you'll be well served with any one on this list.

Except Win Nutrition, of course.

[toggle title=?Notes? state=?close? ]The prices used are those charged by the Myprotein and Prozis store on the date of publication, and are therefore always subject to change.

The original prices were used, without any type of promotion or discount.

One dose corresponds to 5g of the product.[/toggle]

5 thoughts on “Os melhores suplementos de Creatina (e o pior também)”

  1. Hi, I need a little help... I would like to increase muscle mass and I'm already taking it (Prozis Sport)
    100% Whey Prime but I find the process very slow, so I would like to know if I can take IMPACT WHEY PROTEIN and MALTODEXTRIN from MYPROTEIN or if you have a better and more profitable tip. thanks

  2. Good afternoon dear people, I would like to know what the reputation of Prozi products is.
    Thank you very much in advance.

  3. Good afternoon. Can I mix creatine with protein in the same shaker and drink it at once? How much liquid should I add? Thanks.

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