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lose weight

The three rules for losing weight

There are a lot of people who go to the gym to gain muscle mass, but in reality, more people want to lose weight than gain it. But, …

But, how do you lose weight and fat?

Do you go on the treadmill 2 hours a day?

Are you starting to feel hungry?

Do you take all the classes at your gym?

What do you really need to lose weight and fat?

 Rule number one? Calories

Rule number one is simple and it is also the most important.


You have to ingest fewer calories than your body uses.

You need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight.

If your body uses 3000 kcal per day, you should consume less.

How do you know that?

Take a look at the our article aimed at calculating calories.

In the case of 3000 kcal, if you were to start losing weight now, a good value to start with would be 2800 kcal.

The slower and more gradual the calorie reductions, the better.

You will maintain more lean mass, and the more lean mass you maintain, the better the results will be not only on an aesthetic level, but also on a metabolic level.

No matter how many tricks you do, supplements you take or workouts you create, if you consume more calories than you use, you won't lose weight.

You can even continue following your current diet in terms of food, but you will have to reduce the quantities.

Less oatmeal for breakfast.

Less rice at lunch.

Fewer peanuts for snacks.

Small reductions, which together, will have a significant impact.

lose weight

Rule number two? Patience

There is no need for much description for the second rule.

To lose weight, you need patience.

In the same way that you don't gain 5kg in a week, you can't expect to lose them in that period.

It takes some time, depending on your goal, and sometimes you will feel unmotivated.

When you feel unmotivated, remember the results you have already achieved.

As they say, it's a marathon not a sprint.

If you have an adequate training plan and a diet in accordance with your goal, and if you follow them correctly, it is not a question of whether you will get the results you want.

It's just a matter of when.

Be patient and consistent, it will pay off.

Rule number three? Cardio

While the first and second rules are mandatory, the third is less important.

It is possible to lose weight without doing cardio.

In fact, if you have to choose between weight training or cardio training, choose the first option.

However, by using cardio training, you will be able to lose weight faster.

Not only will you be able to lose weight faster, it will be very useful at a later stage.

At a stage where it is already difficult to progress and the weight doesn't seem to budge.

Not only does it allow you to burn extra calories, it is also extremely beneficial in terms of health and resistance.

You can do low, medium and high intensity cardio.

Which one is the best?

See our article about what is the best type of cardio to lose weight.

lose weight cardio


Combine a calorie deficit with patience and you have a simple but effective recipe for losing weight.

If you add cardio, you will get faster results.

If you notice, we didn't talk much about weight training, we didn't even include it in the rules.


Simply because we assume it's something you already do, after all, you're on a gym website.

If you don't, start.

A calorie deficit combined with weight training, patience and even some cardio is a perfect combination.

Not only to lose weight, but also to maintain lean mass and achieve an aesthetic body.

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