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prozis real whey isolate

Prozis Real Whey Isolate, the analysis

Review of Prozis Sport Real Whey Isolate supplement

After we published the analysis of the new Real Whey in September, there were many requests for an evaluation of this version as well.

As the name suggests, it is a Whey protein, but unlike the original Real Whey, this version is made up only of Isolated Whey.

In other words, a better variant, and also at a higher cost, of whey protein.

If you want to know more about Whey protein and its different types, take a look at our complete guide this page.

The review of Prozis Real Whey was very positive as you can see here. Does the Isolated version follow the same path or just use the same name?

We can start by saying yes, the Real Whey Isolate It is also an excellent quality protein, as you will be able to confirm in this analysis.


We have a partnership with the Prozis brand.

That said, this partnership does not influence the analyzes made on the website, as we limit ourselves to evaluating the facts contained in the nutritional table, aminogram and ingredients of each product.

In other words, if the product is bad, it is bad. But if it is good, as is the case, then it will be classified as such. Impartiality is the priority in all analyses.

A good example of this is the Whey Prime.

This partnership allows us to have some benefits not only for ourselves but also for those who visit the website.

Until the 13th of this month, when you use the code GVIRTUAL at checkout, you will receive a direct discount of 10% on your order here, and you will also receive a free shaker and 3 Zero Snack protein bars on orders over 25€.

This partnership no longer exists, this information is only for reference, and the analysis, obviously, remains the same.


In the analysis of concentrated Real Whey we included the data for the flavored and unflavored version.

This is because there was a difference, which, although not very significant, was there. Both in terms of nutrition and price.

We're not going to do it with Real Whey Isolate.

This is because it's not worth it. The differences do not justify it, as they are incredibly close, and therefore, we will take a different approach.

We will make small references when necessary, but also small comparisons with the concentrated version to help you understand the differences between them.

That said, we chose to analyze the purest version, that is, unflavored or also known as natural.

The ingredients are simple.

Isolated Whey is an emulsifier. Just.

In the flavored versions you will find a few more, but few more.

In the case of the strawberry flavor, this supplement is composed of 98% of Isolated Whey, with the remaining 2% being a combination of flavorings, colorings, etc. The usual ingredients used in this type of product to give the desired flavor to the shake.

In other words, no tricks or magic. Just the essentials.

real whey isolate review

Nutritional value

Now that you know the ingredients used, below are the nutritional values for the unflavored version.













Looking at the table, what immediately stands out is undoubtedly the protein content of this supplement.

A Real Whey Isolate is made up of 94% of pure protein, a surprising value.

As if that weren't enough, it is fat-free and carbohydrate levels are 2.5%.

As you know, these numbers refer to the natural/unflavored variant, but if you opt for the strawberry flavor the differences are minimal.

In the case of protein, the value drops to 93%, while carbohydrates rise to 3.5%.

Yes, in both cases the difference is 1%. Just 1%.

How does it compare to the concentrated version?

  • Protein. It has more 10.6% compared to the unflavored version of concentrated Real Whey.
  • Carbohydrates. Here the difference is minimal, with the concentrated version presenting 1.5% more.
  • Fats. Concentrated Real Whey has 7.5% of fats. Isolate, as you saw, has no fats.

Therefore, the ingredients are approved and the nutritional value is excellent. But we still lack some things.


The aminogram is where protein supplements that look promising often turn out to be a disappointment.

It's not the case.

You can consult the complete aminogram of Real Whey Isolate here.

How do you know the value of BCAA's is an excellent way to evaluate the quality of a Whey protein supplement.

This supplement for every 100g in the unflavored version has a concentration of 21.9% of BCAA's.

Each shake contains 5.47g of this combination of essential amino acids.

What does this mean? Is it good or is it bad?

It's very good, and there's nothing like a comparison with other proteins to confirm it.


Real Whey Isolate

Real Whey

Dymatize ISO 100


Scitec Isogreat

ON Gold Standard









So far we have not evaluated many isolated protein supplements.

But we have already evaluated some.

As you can see in the table, only the ISO:PRO 97 from Myprotein you get an equivalent value.

We also included Real Whey in the concentrated version to see the difference between them.

Furthermore, the ISO 100 of Dymatize and Isogreat from Scitec Nutrition are two examples of isolated proteins. Isogreat is still close, but the Dymatize supplement has clearly lower values.

Finally, the Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition, despite not being an exclusively isolated protein, it is considered by many to be one of the best proteins on the market. It is significantly behind Real Whey Isolate.

Therefore, at a nutritional level we are facing a top protein. All you need is an assessment to know where you stand overall.

real whey isolate ginasiovirtual


Real Whey Isolate is only available in two sizes. 1kg and 2kg.

These are the current values, which are always subject to change, for the unflavored version of this supplement on the Prozis website.

1 kg





Cost per dose



Cost per 100g protein



Total cost




We'll start by saying that the price difference between the unflavored and flavored version is really low.

Are we talking about a difference of 1? in the case of the 1kg and 1.6 size? in 2kg format.

That being said, the price is really good for a Whey Isolate supplement. Especially when this Isolated Whey has this quality.

Each shake will cost 0.60? If you choose the 1kg or 0.48 size? in the 2kg variant.

Let's put the numbers in perspective again with other supplements.


Real Whey Isolate

Real Whey

Dymatize ISO 100


Scitec Isogreat

ON Gold Standard

Cost per 100g protein








The supplements chosen for the price comparison were the same ones used for the quality assessment.

As you saw above, just a supplement (ISO:PRO 97) was up against Real Whey Isolate in terms of quality, and only one other came close (Scitec Isogreat).

When it comes to price, Prozis Sport managed to set an extremely attractive value considering that we are talking about an exclusively isolated protein, and leave these two supplements (very) behind.

Furthermore, it is interesting to look and see that although Real Whey Isolate is much superior to Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition, this one costs much more, despite offering much less.

Compared to the concentrated version the difference is 0.48?. An obviously significant difference, but expected.

For an exclusively isolated whey protein supplement, this is a very good price.

What is the cost per 100g of protein?

The cost per 100g of protein is the calculation that tells you how much you will pay for 100g of pure protein, and not for 100g of supplement. Example. Unflavored Real Whey Isolate for every 100g has 94g of protein, that is, you need 106.38g of Real Whey Isolate to get 100g of real protein. This is usually the most accurate and reliable method for calculating the cost of a protein, except in cases of aminospiking.

real whey isolate prozis


A Real Whey Isolate Is it the best choice in terms of quality/price in Whey protein supplements?


This title belongs to Real Whey concentrate and the Impact Whey.

But if what you are looking for is an Isolated Whey then you will hardly find a superior option.

Here you have an excellent bet that doesn't sacrifice quality to get a good price. In fact, it combines both in an exemplary way.


19 thoughts on “Prozis Real Whey Isolate, a análise”

  1. This type of analysis without an independent laboratory analysis is worthless, as it can have 10g of protein inside alone, as with Spanish brands, there is no minimum control over this and to know what you are buying, just send the product to laboratory analyses, as the manufacturer can even put 99g of protein on the label and there is no entity that will control this.


      Rui, it is very clear at the beginning of the analysis that what we do with all products is evaluate the facts provided at a public and official level by the brands.

      1. My Protein, in this matter, offers more guarantees about its quality, as it is heavily analyzed by LabDoor.
        Virtual Gym: by the way, what do you think of this laboratory?

      2. The point here is that a brand like ON is sure that what it puts on the label is what the product contains. I don't know about other brands. For example. It has already been said that brands like Scitec are quite dubious.


          Why is ON a certainty and the others are not?

          In fact, if you check the previous comment website (Labdoor) you will see that this is not what happens.

        2. When it comes to protein, there are many other trusted brands besides ON, I talked about ON as I could have talked about any other brand. I prefer to buy ON protein, Reflex, MyProtein, etc. than buy other brands where the quality control is not the same. For example, “it is said” that brands that use a “famous” production center in Hungary do not give the same guarantees regarding protein quality and aminograms.

          Regarding Labdoor, I believe it is an exempt site, but there are certain criteria that I don't understand and for me, what Labdoor says is not an absolute truth. For now, they have a special focus on exclusively American brands. High quality brands like Reflex are literally forgotten. Then there are criteria that are at least dubious. For example, in the Pre-Workout category, I don't understand how PreSeries Bulk from Transparent Labs or Muscle Bomb from Reflex are not even on the list, when they are on par with Legion Pulse as one of the best pre-workouts out there, with clinically tested doses. Then we see others appearing in the top 10 that have less than half the doses of these in fundamental ingredients (Beta-Alanine, Citrulline, etc.)


          It was just to avoid feeding the myth that the ON protein is reliable and the others are not.

          There are certainly brands that “make mistakes” on the label, but without independent and rigorous laboratory analysis it is difficult to know this.

          That's why we make it clear that we evaluate what the brand (all of them) declares, as it is impossible for us to carry out the type of analysis necessary to know if this information is correct.

          As for Labdoor, not knowing the details, it is normal for them to focus on American brands as this is their main market.

          But regardless of that, any type of website that evaluates a product should be seen critically and not as absolute truth as you said (yes, us included! :) ).

        4. To do this, simply send the products for laboratory analysis and ask for the % Protein present and check the ingredients to see if they contain aminospiking and remove these amino acids from the % Protein. For example, I already sent a Spanish protein for analysis that said on the label 92g protein and 2g carbohydrates and the reality was 56g protein and 40 carbohydrates ????????????. But as the Tuga people just want low prices, they don't mind buying gainers with protein labels????????????, the important thing is that they are cheap.

        5. Simão, I'm based on several factors, but as I said above, this should initially be valid for both ON and other so-called trustworthy brands.

          The first factor is that this protein has always been at the top for more than a decade.

          Being at the top gives great visibility and I don't believe that a brand like ON, whose best-known and best-selling product is Whey Gold Standard protein, will "burn out" selling a pig in a poke.

          I am also based on a laboratory test sent by a friend of mine about 2 years ago and in which more “pintelho less bintelho” what was on the label was what the test indicated.

          Please note that I am not a fan of ON, if you want to know, protein is the only supplement I regularly consume from ON (I alternate with MyProtein and Reflex). For example, I don't like any pre-workout supplement from ON and even in other segments I recognize the quality but I don't buy it, for example. multivitamin from ON, I think there are much better options.

        6. Vasco, if you really have this laboratory analysis, yes, it is a great quality factor. Conversely, the fact that it has been the best seller for a good 10 years – without exaggeration – may not mean that much… I imagine that Prozis will take the Portuguese and European markets by storm soon and, I don't know why, Prozis whey It doesn't inspire me with great confidence.

        7. Simão, as long as the UK does not leave the EU, I think it is unlikely that Myprotein will lose its primacy to any other brand, as it already has a large installed base of customers, has a lot of quality in its products and very aggressive prices.

          If you want me to tell you, I don't know the particular case of Prozis, but I know that there are brands where the product ends up being “the same” just by changing the label. To launch a protein or supplement brand, you place the product to be made in a of those factories that exist in Hungary or the Czech Republic where labor is cheaper and there is no great quality control. You go to a shopping center and SupplementsStore has a brand like that, you have the example of Zumub (ex. Zumbu and ex. Suplementos Online) which also has its brand. They have cheap products but I don't trust these products. As far as I've heard, Scitec and Biotech themselves use the same locations at European level.

          ON, on the other hand, uses European facilities in Ireland. In Europe there is no place where there is more quality control than in the UK. That's why I like English brands like Reflex.

          In the USA you have a lot of “crap”, but you also have very good and trustworthy brands. It's a huge market.

  2. Well, My Protein really seems to use good quality standards and, there you have it, it is generally very well rated in the LabDoor rankings.

    But we all know what this world of fitness is like: everyone is there to get rich… whatever the cost.

    The North American market has everything, from organic whey and all 'green cows' to the biggest 'sludge'.

  3. Hello everyone, excellent article as always, in the midst of these comments I had two doubts that I don't know if anyone can clarify... anyway, here goes:
    1st How much does a product analysis cost?
    2nd Where can we request such analyses?


  4. Having a high price does not guarantee quality. Yes, the cheaper ones may have less quality, but the raw material for Whey protein is the same for all brands, you can buy a 20kg bag from glanbia, or something like that, it's the same one that ON uses, but just because it's ON you pay a little more. The ideal is to test everyone, price doesn't say anything, as the whey raw material is not expensive.

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