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muscle definition this summer

How to prepare for this summer

Muscle definition? this summer

If gym memberships increase in January, when the sun starts to show signs of life the gyms fill up.

It's the summer effect and the time when many look for so-called muscle definition.

In men, it's abdominals accompanied by a muscular chest to show off on the beach, while in women, it's a flat stomach with envy-inducing lower limbs.

The ideal is to take the gym seriously all year round, but if this is not your case, in three months it is also possible to achieve very good results.

So, how do you prepare to be in great shape this summer?

First of all, let's define what muscle definition is, after all, that's what most people are looking for at this point.

What is muscle definition?

Muscle definition is when someone seeks to make their muscles more prominent, while reducing the amount of fat.

It means making the body more defined, with a more athletic and appealing appearance.

In other words, gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time.

This is something difficult to achieve, since to gain muscle mass you need more calories, and to lose fat you need fewer calories.

So what do you do?

It depends.

How to achieve muscle definition?

If you have some muscle mass, but also some fat, you follow a diet hypocaloric, accompanied by weight training.

This will allow you to lose fat, maintain lean mass, and with this, your muscles will appear larger and more defined.

If, on the other hand, you have very little muscle mass, even if there is a small amount of fat, you should opt for a diet hypercaloric controlled, accompanied by weight training.

If you structure your plan well, this will lead to a significant increase in your muscle mass, and a decrease in your body fat percentage, as your lean body mass increases.

This is the first step, defining the type of diet to follow.

muscle definition in summer

Without power, there is no definition

You know, we know, everyone knows.

There is no turning back, and if you really want to achieve your goals, you need proper nutrition.

You need to adapt your diet to your goals, instead of praying for the reducing gel to work.

A diet filled only with theoretically healthy foods, but in which you consume more calories than you burn, will not make you lose weight. It will make you win.

Decide whether you need a high- or low-calorie diet, and create your diet based on that.

Furthermore, it is important not only to pay attention to calories, but also to what those calories will provide you.

You need proteins, carbohydrates and fats in sufficient quantities.

Don't know how much protein you need?

See This article to help you.

What training do you use?

High rep workouts and double cardio sessions?


This is not the best strategy for achieving the much-desired muscle definition.

It is mandatory to follow a weight training plan, but not with 50 repetitions per set.

Your goal in weight training is to maintain, or gain, muscle mass, not to burn as many calories as possible.

Reducing calories should be done mainly through diet.

Then you also have cardio training, which although useful, must be used intelligently.

And by smart we mean starting with fewer sessions and less time, and gradually increasing.

No, starting with 2 hours of cardio a day is not a good strategy.

how to prepare for summer

Plans and deadlines

When an athlete wants to compete, they plan their entire preparation, from diet to training, with the competition date as the deadline.

The competition is the day you want to be as close as possible to your ideal shape.

You don't need to go compete, but if your goal is to be in your best shape in July, set this month as your deadline.

Setting a deadline for your goal makes it more real.

It also gives a feeling of importance and urgency to achieve it, and if it is important, you will strive and dedicate more to it.

Are you really going to skip training today and eat that family pizza?

Look, there are 3 weeks left until July.

Be realistic, but ambitious too

Gaining 10 kg of muscle mass in three months, while losing 5 kg of fat, is not realistic.

But you also don't need to aim to lose 2 kg, when you would prefer (and could) lose 5.

Be realistic, but also ambitious.

Set goals that are not impossible, but also don't let yourself set goals that are too modest when you want much more.

What exactly is your objective?

Are you doing everything you can to achieve it?

If not, do it.

Try to create a goal as close to your objective as possible.

It is better to narrowly miss a big goal than to achieve a very small one.

muscle definition this summer


Whatever your goal, three months is enough time to achieve good results.

If you dedicate yourself.

If it's muscle definition you want this summer, the best time to start was yesterday. The second best is today.

Follow an adequate diet, with good training to accompany it.

Plan well what you want to achieve, and when you want to achieve it.

If you follow all of this consistently, results are guaranteed, and you might even surprise yourself.

Here are also some articles that may be useful to you at this stage.

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