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elite fusion 7

Dymatize Elite Fusion 7 – Analysis

Dymatize Elite Fusion 7 supplement review

Elite Fusion 7 is one of the protein supplements from the well-known brand Dymatize, responsible for the already analyzed, Elite Whey.

While Elite Whey is a supplement exclusively from whey protein, Elite Fusion 7 is a mixture of several protein sources, and as such, it is presented as a gradually absorbed protein.

It is a supplement very similar to Syntha-6 from BSN, with the same target audience, but (lightly) better.

Let's start by analyzing the ingredients used in this formula, which are not few.


The list of ingredients is long, but let's first talk about the protein sources used.

You find the list of ingredients here.

Dymatize uses in this supplement a so-called Elite Fusion 7 protein matrix, which consists of:

  • concentrated whey
  • Concentrated milk protein
  • Albumin
  • Isolated milk protein
  • Isolated whey
  • Micellar casein
  • Hydrolyzed whey

Basically, this formula is made up of the two milk proteins, alternating only the production method, and Albumin, the egg protein.

A concentrated whey is the best known, is the type of protein most used in protein supplements and is also the one with the greatest presence in Elite Fusion 7. It is quickly absorbed.

A Concentrated milk protein it is a mixture of 80% casein with 20% whey, and in case you are not familiar with Casein, it is a protein with extremely slow absorption. Already the Albumin, is the protein found in eggs, and is also a good quality protein source, with intermediate absorption, slower than Whey, but faster than Casein.

Then we have the Isolated milk protein and the Isolated whey, which are similar to their concentrated versions, but with fewer carbohydrates and fats, and more protein.

At the end of this matrix, we have the Micellar casein and the Hydrolyzed whey, where the first is a protein with an extremely slow absorption, as mentioned above, and hydrolyzed Whey, which is the most expensive version of Whey and with the fastest absorption of all the proteins contained in this formula, although it is the protein source with lower presence in Elite Fusion 7.

Protein sources are presented.

All of them with good quality, and with different absorption times, which confirms the fact that Elite Fusion 7 is a gradually absorbed protein supplement.

Although the protein sources are good, the list of ingredients goes well beyond proteins, and uses a lot of products to give this supplement a good flavor.

From sunflower oil to the use of maltodextrin, it was to be expected that carbohydrate and fat values would rise, as you will be able to confirm below.

CLA and MCTs are also present in Elite Fusion 7, although quantities are not specified, and they will most likely be present in low quantities.

Finally, this supplement also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, B12 and some digestive enzymes, which is good.

We won't go into further detail on the list of ingredients, which is already long, but if you have any questions just use the comments area below.

elite fusion 7

Nutritional value

Dose %
Proteins 23g 52.27%
Carbohydrates 12g 26.43%
Fats 5g 11%


Each dose of this supplement weighs 45.4g and provides 23g of protein, in addition to 12g of carbohydrates and 5g of fat.

This means that Dymatize's Elite Fusion 7 is a protein supplement with a protein content of just 52.27%, that is, only half of it is protein.

It is slightly higher than Syntha-6 of BSN in protein terms, but it is still a very low value for a supplement of this type.

As for carbohydrates, they represent 26.43% of this product, and 11% are fats. Although around half of carbohydrates are fiber, this is still too high.

The percentage of BCAA's of Elite Fusion, as expected, it is also low, with just 10.83% of BCAA's.

We are going to put this supplement head to head not only with the already mentioned Syntha-6 from BSN, but also other supplements in the same category, to make it easier to evaluate the quality, or lack thereof, of this product.

Elite Fusion 7 Syntha-6 Syntha-6 Edge Total Protein Combat Powder
Proteins 52,76% 45.83% 61.54% 77% 74.41%
Carbohydrates 26.43% 20.83% 13.51% 4.6% 14,88%
Fats 11% 12.5% 9.46% 3% 4.46%


What can I say about Dymatize's Elite Fusion 7?

It is the second supplement with the least protein, surpassing only BSN's Syntha-6, but when it comes to carbohydrates, it is the undisputed leader.

In fats, only Syntha-6 can present a higher value.

If we compare to Total Protein from Myprotein or Combat Powder from MusclePharm, the differences in terms of protein content are less than 24,24% and 21,65%, respectively.

Elite Fusion 7 is clearly a protein supplement lacking in protein.

elite fusion dymatize


The price used to make this evaluation was that charged by the Prozis store.

Doses 40
Cost per dose 1.40?
Cost per 100g protein 5.90?
Total cost 55.99?


If you choose to purchase the Elite Fusion 7 in the 1.814g version, you will have around 40 doses/shakes per bucket, where each dose will cost you 1.40?.

In addition to the cost per dose, the cost for every 100g of pure protein is an incredible €5.90.

Incredible? Why?

Let's see why below.

Elite Fusion Syntha-6 Syntha-6 Edge Total Protein Combat Powder
Doses 40 48 48 41 54
Cost/dose 1.40? 0.97? 0.79? 1.09? 0.88?
Cost/100g protein 5.90? 4.66? 3.30? 2.33? 3.58?
Total cost 55.99? 47? 37.99? 44.99? 47.99?


Dymatize's Elite Fusion 7 is:

  • The supplement with the fewest doses
  • The one with the highest cost per dose
  • The most expensive when we analyze the cost per 100g of protein
  • The one with the highest total value, that is, the one you will pay the most when you buy it

[toggle title=”What is the cost per 100g of protein?” state=”close” ]The cost per 100g of protein is the amount you pay not for 100g of product/supplement, but the amount you pay for 100g of pure protein.


Elite Fusion 7 in every 100g of powder, only 52,27% are pure protein.

To get 100g of protein in Elite Fusion 7 you need 191.31g of powder to reach the real 100g of protein.

This metric is the best way to analyze the price of a protein supplement, as it is not subject to pre-established doses by brands and standardizes the cost across all protein supplements.[/toggle]

Only Syntha-6 manages to be nutritionally inferior, with all the other supplements on the table being (much) superior to the Dymatize product.

It is the most expensive of all the proteins on the list and for no reason.

dymatize elite fusion

Where to buy?

You can find Dymatize's Elite Fusion 7 available here and you can still use the code AFFJA-10 to get you 10% discount.



Elite Fusion 7 is not a good gradually absorbed protein supplement.

The protein values of this supplement barely exceed 50%, they are accompanied by 26% of carbohydrates and a clearly exaggerated price.


We can point out the sources of protein used, which are good, but there is little point in having good sources of protein when the protein content is so low.

After all, we are talking about a protein supplement, and that is something Elite Fusion 7 lacks…Protein.

If you are determined to buy a supplement of this type, take a look at the Total Protein from Myprotein or Combat Powder from MusclePharm.

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