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Ashley Kaltwasser gym athlete

Ashley Kaltwasser, the complete training plan

Discover athlete Ashley Kaltwasser's training plan

Ashley Kaltwasser was the winner of the Bikini category at Olympia 2015. Not only at Olympia 2015, but also in the previous two years!

She is an American athlete, who measures 1.65m and weighs 55kg.

He does five workouts a week, normally focusing on 3 to 4 sets per exercise and 10 repetitions. In addition, he does cardio training three times a week.

Discover Ashley Kaltwasser's training plan.

If you don't know any exercise, just click on the name to access an illustrative image of it.

Monday – Legs

ashley kaltwasser workout plan

Tuesday ? Chest, triceps and cardio

ashley kaltwasser workout

Wednesday ? Back and biceps

*Sometimes it is done in a superset, and some functional exercises are added.


Thursday ? Glutes and cardio

*Some exercises can be done as a circuit or superset

Saturday? Shoulders and cardio



Here are some tips given by Ashley Kaltwasser on her Facebook to help develop your glutes:

Keep your weight in your heels ? You may not think about it much, but focusing on pulling the weight through your heels can significantly increase the activation of your glutes and hamstrings in some exercises, such as squats, lunges and deadlifts.

Vary foot placement ? Instead of placing your feet forward, try placing them at a different angle. Try placing them further apart, or closer together. This will work great for squats and deadlifts! You can also try repetitions with just one leg. When you do lunges, don't forget to try diagonal lunges and cross lunges.

Keep your feet in line with your knees ? This is important to avoid injuries and to get the best results from your training. Make sure your knees don't bend in or out! If this happens, it may be a good idea to reduce the weight so that the way you perform the exercise does not suffer.

Utilizes the mind-muscle connection ? Let's think about the exercise we are doing and not limit ourselves to just doing the movement. It's easy to lose focus when we're in the last few grades. Focus on the muscle you are working.

Glute pre-exhaustion ? Try a short high-repetition, low-weight glute exercise regimen before starting your workout! An example would be 20 reps of cable kickback (for each leg) before starting your workout!

Vary repetitions and weights ? Don't let your glutes get used to a certain weight or number of repetitions. It's always good to change things up and surprise your body! This is also very good mentally, as you won't get bored with your training as quickly.

Introduces plyometric exercises ? Plyometric exercises are very good for toning your glutes, and what's more, they can be done practically anywhere!

Information taken from the website and the athlete's official Facebook page.

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