The best images from Instagram @ginasiovirtual
Those who follow us on Instagram probably already know these images, however, if that's not your case, take a look at what you've been missing.
From the importance of rest to the importance of squats, which is your favorite?
The importance of rest
We all know that rest is essential, so the more anabolic, the better.
Recommended Dose
The packaging says to take just one scoop, and we obeyed.
We all have goals, and's goal is summer 2015.
No matter how much it costs, it is important to recognize our own limits.
Ego, dear ego
You've finished your bench press series, you've even broken your personal record in terms of load, and behold, a spoilsport appears.
A man also cries, especially when disasters happen.
First photo
We all have photos from when we were little.
Monday, International Breast Day.
Finally, we show why women should do weight training and, above all, why they should do squats.
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