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scitec whey isolate protein

Scitec Whey Isolate, the analysis


A 100% Whey Isolate, as the name suggests, is an isolated whey protein, and is another of the many proteins from the Scitec Nutrition brand.

It is composed exclusively of Whey Isolate, and comes in a green bucket, which you have probably seen around the place, in any supplement store.

This supplement from Scitec Nutrition is available in 3 different sizes and several flavors, more precisely five.

The available flavors are banana, vanilla, strawberry, raspberry and finally, chocolate.

As for sizes, there is a 700g format, a 2000g format and the largest, 4000g format.


The ingredients are available on the official website and are these:

  • Whey Protein Isolate
  • Emulsifier
  • Flavoring
  • L-Glutamine
  • Sweeteners
  • Hydrolyzed Whey Protein

As you can see, there aren't many, which is good.

It is mainly composed of Isolated Whey, but at the end of the ingredients we also see small traces of Hydrolyzed Whey, which are minimal (It is the last ingredient).

Furthermore, they contain L-Glutamine and the typical flavorings, emulsifier and so on.

Nutritional value

25g 100g
Proteins 21g 84g
Carbohydrates 0.60g 2.4g
Fats 0.1g 0.4g


Each scoop contains 25g of supplement, which, as we can see from the table, corresponds to 21g of protein and practically no fat or carbohydrates.

Looking at a more general overview, this supplement is made up of 84% of protein, which is good, although nothing extraordinary for an Isolated Whey.

The values for carbohydrates and fats are 2.4% and 0.4% respectively.

Therefore, Scitec's 100% Whey Isolate contains a good protein content, with practically non-existent fat values, and a very small amount of sugars.

The dose of L-Glutamine added is 1g per 100g.

Unfortunately, Scitec Nutrition does not provide the aminogram of this supplement, and therefore we cannot evaluate this product more specifically.


700g 2000g 4000g
Doses 28 80 160
Cost per dose 0.78? 0.65? 0.63?
Cost 100g/protein 3.74? 3.09? 2.97?
Total cost 22.00? 52.00? 100.00?


The price always varies from store to store, but the average price you find online is the one we present in the table, and this is what we used to do the math.

The cost per dose is interesting, especially in comparison to supplements like Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition, or the Total Whey from Gold Nutrition.

scitec whey isolate protein

Regarding the cost per 100g of protein, which is what matters most, it is nothing special compared to supplements like Impact Whey Or the Whey Concentrate.

However, if you are undecided between 100% Whey Isolate and 100% Whey Professional from Scitec Nutrition, the difference is just 2 cents in the case of the 2kg version.

In other words, for a small difference, you buy a much superior supplement.

Here is a comparison between several supplements.

Protein Content Cost per 100g/Protein
Scitec Whey Isolate 84.00% 3.09?
Scitec Whey Professional 73.30% 3.07?
Scitec Isogreat 91.00% 3.34?
Myprotein Impact Whey 82.00% 1.50?
ON Gold Standard 81.06% 3.12?
Dymatize Elite Whey 68.87% 2.48?

Where to buy?

You can find this supplement available here and you can still use the code GVIRTUAL to get a discount.


A 100% Whey Isolate by Scitec Nutrition It is a good protein supplement, with a high protein content, practically non-existent fat values and low carbohydrate values.

It's not the supplement with the best price/quality ratio on the market, but it's far from being the worst.

It is superior to Whey Professional from the same brand, and also the famous Whey from Optimum Nutrition, Gold Standard.

If they offer it to you, celebrate.

If you find it on sale, take advantage.

But also be aware that there are some, but not many, better choices.

And mainly cheaper.

Peek here our TOP Whey protein supplements.

If you want to know more about Whey Protein, see This one article.

As for other analyses, they are here.

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