Categories: Training

How to have (a lot of) energy for training

No energy for training? You are in the right place

To achieve good results in the gym, you need to train regularly, and to train regularly, you need to have the energy to do so.

If you're halfway through a set and you start yawning, or if you don't even make it to the end of your workout because you're tired, something is wrong.

It is (very) important to have energy to not only train, but train well.

Find out all the tricks to have (a lot of) energy for your training.


Why do you train?

If after a minute you can't answer this question, this is your main problem.

To have the energy to go train, you need to have a good reason to do so.

Whether it's impressing a female audience, feeling better about yourself or competing, there are no right answers, no wrong answers.

What matters is having a goal in mind that motivates you to train.

If you don't have any goal to train, it will be difficult to go to the gym smiling and energetic, no matter what trick it is.

Hour training


Obviously, you need a good pre-workout meal to have maximum energy.

But not only.

If your daily life is made up of cookies and sandwiches, it's not a good meal before training that will save you.

The energy you spend on training is not just that from the meal before training, but also from your daily diet, so you need a good diet.

Furthermore, high-calorie diets will always provide more energy than low-calorie diets, so it's perfectly normal for you to feel a drop in energy when you're drying out.

Of course, if your goal is to lose weight, you will have to follow a low-calorie diet, but if you plan it well, the decrease in energy will be minor.

See here what you should eat before and after training.


A good night's rest is essential for energy.

If you don't rest enough, your training will suffer as a result.

If you only sleep 4 hours a night, you will have less energy not only to train, but for everything.

Try to sleep an average of 8 hours daily.

Not only is it important how much time you sleep, but it's also important to have rest days, especially if your plan is very intense.


Music can be a good weapon to give you energy during training.

Prepare a playlist of music that you like, preferably energetic music, put your headphones in your ears and turn the music up loud. Remember your goal.

Try electronic music, rock or hip-hop, depending on your taste, and leave kizomba and Adele for later.

Coffee or Pre-Workout

You have a good diet, a good reason to train and you even slept well, but you are tired.

You worked late, or went to train early, and opened the gym door yawning.

Or maybe you even have energy, but it's chest day and you want to be at your best.

Try drinking coffee before training to give you that extra boost.

If coffee doesn't do much for you anymore, or if you don't like it, try a pre-workout supplement.

Sometimes a good pre-workout supplement can have a big impact on the quality of your workout, and take you to higher intensity levels.

training partner

There are two types of training partners: good and bad.

The bad ones will harm your training, usually with too much talking and too little training.

The good ones will support you and help you get a better workout.

What type of training partner are you?


Not only is it important to be well hydrated to have energy, it is essential to maintain it during training.

Bring a bottle of water and drink little by little between sets.

The amount of water depends on the duration and intensity of your training, but as a rule, it's a good idea to drink at least half a liter.


To have a lot of energy to train, you need to have a good workout planned.

Not having any training planned is a mistake, and so is doing 50 intense sets every day.

Create a good training plan and follow it.

Pay attention to rest days and training volume, so that you can not only train with energy this week, but also in the following weeks.


Finally, results.

As soon as you start to see (good) results, and receive comments regarding your progress, your question will not be how to have the energy to train, but rather when the next training session is.

The best way to have energy to go train is to have good results, and the best way to have good results is to have good training!

If you're not having good results at the gym, take a look at this article.