zmaWhat is ZMA?

ZMA is a combination of the minerals zinc and magnesium with vitamin B6.

It is used to increase the hormone testosterone and promote better quality sleep.

What does ZMA do?

To understand what this supplement does, let’s analyze each of its components individually.

Zinc is the “ingredient” with the greatest impact on the main objective of this supplement, increasing testosterone.

It is effective in increasing testosterone levels in people with deficient levels of this mineral, although it is not as effective in those with normal levels of this mineral.

Zinc levels drop significantly with exercise and above all with sweat, making deficiencies of this mineral possible, especially in the summer, if you have a poor diet.

In addition to its hormonal role, zinc is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and has an antioxidant role, reducing free radicals.

Its deficiency is associated with hypogonadism (Decreased testosterone production), lethargy (Lack of energy) and skin problems.

Magnesium is the other mineral present in this form and is the second most present mineral in the human body.

Helps regulate muscle contractions and improves sleep quality.

Its deficiency is associated with increased blood pressure and muscle cramps.

As for vitamin B6, it participates in the synthesis of the main neurotransmitters, helping to recover the CNS (Central Nervous System) from intense training.

How to take ZMA?

ZMA should be taken before bed, preferably on an empty stomach. It is important not to take it with any source of calcium as this reduces the effectiveness of ZMA.

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